In Windows, if you have problems with DNS (if you can not access a web address, or more, but you can still ping web address and respond) means that you have problems with your computer's DNS. To solve this problem, I recommend " Windows socket reset" .
Windows XP
I recommend you download " winsock fix " - is a program, download and run on your computer will reset windows socket. Before running this program you should know that it will automatically restart your computer, so I recommend you to save all programs, then start running the software.
It should be noted that this program will reset the computer IP - default to "automatically obtain ip", if you have manual ip on the computer, I recommend copying his to put him back after restarting your system.
Windows 7
In windows 7 - Open a console (cmd - command prompt) with Administrator privileges, and type the following command lines:
netsh winsock reset catalog (RESETS winsock entries)
netsh int ip reset reset.log hit (RESETS TCP / IP stack)
Then restart the computer.
Windows 8
In Win 8 - Open a console (cmd - command prompt) with Administrator privileges, and type the following command lines:
netsh int ip reset reset.txt
netsh winsock reset
netsh advfirewall reset
restart the computer.
If, after following the steps above have not solved the problems I recommend downloading and running software " ComboFix " is a free software that I have solved many problems of this type or scan your computer with antivirus software.
I hope I was helpful.
We look forward to suggestions.
Have a good day.
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